Monday, July 26, 2010

The Hat

Now playing on my XM radio - Deana Carter "Did I Shave My Legs For This?"

Barrie and Kasey and I went to Mary Lou's yesterday afternoon. Had a great meal and a great visit.

This is why Barrie puts sun screen on Kasey's butt.

This is The Hat

The hat is developing a lot of character. It all started when Kasey used it to dip water out of the tank and pour it over her head. Then she put it in the tank and stuck her head into it.

Mary Lou gave her two plastic pots, and she filled them with water, put her feet in them, and poured water in her hat. Then she had to put her boots back on to walk through some gravel to turn the hose on and fill them again. Then she had to run back and turn the hose off. She pretty much entertained herself (and us) all afternoon with this.

Late in the afternoon, we saw a lot of smoke off to the south. When we drove home, we saw this fire on the hillside. Didn't look like any buildings were around. There must have been fifteen or so fire trucks out there. There were buildings on the top of the hill, and four or five fire trucks were parked up there, but it didn't look like the fire was spreading.


  1. I see "plumber's butt". rwm

  2. Yep! Gotta put sun screen on that


  3. she is going to hate that picture when she's older! i love the pouring ater water on her head pic...barrie

  4. That's a cute little butt, and I laughed and laughed when I saw the photo. Also really enjoyed the hat - that little girl certainly has plenty of character, doesn't she? She sure looks like her mama.

  5. Cute little sweet ass wish I could lick the hole clean
