Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My Favorite Sketchbook

I completed a watercolor this morning in art group, but it is up on the wall in the art room and I don't have a picture of it. I should, because I haven't completed anything for so long it is a major accomplishment.

So I will post a picture of my best sketchbook. Some of my best drawings are in this beat-up old thing, held together with duct tape. Do you realize that duct tape and WD 40 is what keeps everything in this world together. It was a tragedy to give up baling wire. That stuff held a lot of things together too.

Barrie gave three dogs a bath over the weekend. Maddy is drying herself off on the lawn while Jarvie takes her turn under the hose.

This is a perennial vine which I think is called "woodbine." Barrie decided it looked dead this spring and cut it down. It came back beautifully. The leaves turn a beautiful shade of bright red in the fall. You can see my silly hollyhock growing beside the vine.

Judi, Mary Lou and I ate lunch at the senior center today. Mary Lou is going back to Colorado tomorrow. We'll miss her.

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