Thursday, December 30, 2010


Thought Judi might appreciate this, as we both like pictures of signs. Taken several winters ago in Farson. I've always wondered who has the right of way, the trucks or the wagon train?

Taken early one frosty morning as I was heading for South Pass. This was taken past Boulder, at the road to the GF Fish Rearing Station.

The wind was blowing earlier and it was snowing a little. Now the sun is shining. I wonder if the trail blew in on the Upper Green? The Pinedale Classic Sled Dog Race is this weekend.

Barrie called - wondered if her dad was here plowing snow. He wasn't. She was stuck on the Soda Lake Road. Sure hope I see her before spring .

We are expecting company this weekend for the sled dog race. A friend of Barrie's from Montana is coming, with his daughter. I am going to make a pan of lasagna today, and make a pot of potato soup. Those are about the only two things I can cook anymore that are edible. There is no way of knowing when anyone will be here to eat, but I'll have something available, anyway.

My friend, Angel, posted this on Facebook a few days ago.

when no one else loves me my dog does.
oh crap, I don't have a dog!!


  1. How many years ago was that Farson picture? That big wagon train thingy was...when? For Wy centennial? or???
    The frosty tree is great.

  2. The picture was taken in 2007, but the sign has been up a while.
