Wednesday, December 29, 2010


This wall in the art room at Rendezvous Pointe is hard to photograph. It faces the window and any glass or plastic reflects. On the left are some of Lenore's paintings, Pam has some work at the top, and Vicky's are below.

Terry has a nice display up.

Some of Lenore's work.

Conley's new work.

Art group was nice today. We enjoyed coffee from Hawaii again, compliments of Pam!

It seems to snow a little every day. It's not cold today, but it is forecast to get down to 17 below tomorrow night.

Took my Kimble to Rendezvous Pointe this morning. Got on their wireless network and downloaded a book from Amazon in about five minutes.

I took a ton of old magazines and catalogs to the recycling center this morning. Someone, probably by the name of Barrie, cleaned out the basement yesterday and took the pile of cardboard boxes. She used my pickup. I sit upstairs in front of my fire and have no idea what goes on in the rest of my house!

1 comment:

  1. Thank yous so much for the art room pictures. Reminders of home & my desire to sketch.
