Friday, March 11, 2011


Now playing on my iPod Ion Tyson "Four Strong Winds"


Just a silly still life I set up to photograph one time.


My cousin in Adelaide, Australia e-mailed me with the New York Times article about the quality of the air here. Also listened to Cat's radio interview on the subject. She did such a good job.

There was a pickup in my driveway this morning and several people unloading sacks of dog food. Barrie wasn't able to get what she needed in Idaho Falls. So Jerry Bath, from Lander, brought her over some today.

My big brother's birthday is today, and I just finished talking to him. They are in Arizona, right on the river and never know for sure what time it is. One of their phones shows Arizona time, and the other one shows Calif. time.

1 comment:

  1. You're so clever. I like the blue bird photo.
    I was a little surprised by the NYTimes article. Seemed like they only interviewed people with oil field connections. We need Doris.
    What slant did Cat take?
