Saturday, March 12, 2011


My scanner didn't want to play well with me this this morning, so I shut it all down and started over again later. And it worked perfectly. Kind of like putting a kid in "time out".

I scanned three more of the old negatives from Bondurant. I bet the house is still there. Does anyone recognize it?

Is this a garden? Are they picking peas?
My ankle kind of hurts today. I was on my feet too long this morning, I guess. I cleaned out the dishwasher and put more dirty dishes in. I started a pot of beans and started a loaf of bread in the bread machine. Also did a load of laundry.

The leaders in the Iditarod race are on the Yukon River. John Baker is in the lead now. I would like to see him win it. He is a native Inupiat and lives in a village above the arctic circle.

I listened to K2Radio interview Cat about air pollution in Pinedale. It was an excellent interview.


1 comment:

  1. The Bondurant house looks like the one Harry Lovatt & Eileen Dockham took me to once. You cross a bridge & it's about a half mile on the left. You can see it from the Hwy. I think it was the old Mr & Mrs. Bondurant place. Anyway, I do remember that we went in - it was empty - and there were nail holes in circles on the upstairs walls. Beaver pelts had been nailed there.
    Great pictures.
    Sorry you are hurting.
