Monday, March 14, 2011


Still in progress, but I don't have any photos to posts. This silverpoint drawing is on toned paper. I mixed a little sepia watercolor into the gesso. It's hard to get darks and contrast, but the "old boys" used white ink or white charcoal for the highlights, so that should help.

I am really hooked on this silverpoint. But I'm not sure about the toned paper. Maybe I made it too dark.

I see my friend and old teaching partner, Cristy, is getting a new Mac powerbook. I'm envious.

Barrie picked up the computer that Mike repaired, but I haven't seen it yet. It will have to have all the programs reinstalled.

She (Barrie) said spring is really here. It took her several tries to get up the driveway yesterday, in 4 WD, and without her trailer.

The bread I baked yesterday was good. I cut the heel off while it was still hot. Then Barrie came along and cut a piece (still hot), and the loaf kind of squashed.

Last night, my kids and I were sitting in the living room and I said to them , 'I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug. They got up, unplugged the Computer, and threw out my wine.

They are SO on my shit list ...


  1. You don't need pictures, your blog always gives me a laugh or a smile.

  2. Interesting, my kids played the same "joke" on me! Goobers!

    Really like your drawing. I'll bet with the white accents, it will be perfect!
