Friday, March 25, 2011


Barrie took her camera with her when she and Kasey went to feed the dogs yesterday. I stole some pictures.

There's a small girl child in there somewhere.

Notice the frost on Jarvi's hair.

Kasey and Tank.

Kasey and Nellie.

Kasey and Moose. He looks like he's enjoying this.

My uncle Bill (Mom's brother) died yesterday in Torrington. He would have been 98 this summer. He ranched all his life. He gave up his ranch at Hawk Springs and was living in a nursing home in Torrington.


  1. Sorry to hear about Uncle Bill, what a life!
    Jarvi's hair is "all natural" it was actually above above freezing when we went out. I have a tendency to over-dress the kiddo:)

  2. Is this the Uncle Bill who only ever wore long-sleeve, cowboy shirts & you painted his picture?

  3. Yes, my cowboy Uncle Bill. I did a pastel portrait of him, and it may cause a family problem. I'll tell you about it next week.

  4. Does Kasey get along with all the dogs, or are some of them a little mean.

  5. I wouldn't call them "mean", but these are sled dogs,not pets. And they all have different personalities.

  6. I'm sorry about your Uncle dying. He was interesting.
