Thursday, March 24, 2011

Now playing on my iPod, Bobbie Gentry, "Ode to Billy Joe".


I've never understood that song. What did she and Billy Jo throw off the Tallahache Bridge? So I googled it. First, Bobbie Gentry admitted she did't have anything in mind when she wrote the song. She didn't even know what they threw off. The most popular idea seemed to be a baby. But now I find they made a movie of this. Billy Jo was black, and he was gay.

Okay, I'm not sure I want to know any more about the story.

A long time ago, I visited Paul and Tracy when they lived in Aspen. President Bush and Margaret Thatcher came to town, and I bought this commenorative envelope. I stood out on the highway and watched the cars come in. I'm sure Bush and Thatcher were in one of the black limosines, but the windows are dark and you can't see in them.


Got my income tax finished and e-filed today. I think I better rest now.

The people in the humor writing class have talked about a writer named Dave Barry. I downloaded one of his books to my Kindle and finished it last night. I laughed all the way through it. The name of the book I read is "Dave Barry's Complete Guide to Guys." It's a good read.

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