Sunday, January 8, 2012


Here is my latest super duper time waster.  I have started a pen and ink drawing of an elk.  I am doing "stippling method", which means I sit by the hour and make little dots on the paper with my Rapidiograph pen, the x3 one, which is an incredibly fine point.  I kind of hypnotize myself when I do this.  I think it's the kind of activity a person in an institution might do.

Does anyone remember the old WordPerfect program?  It used to be the top of the line word processing program and I used it.  It used keystrokes for commands.  I think F3 was for "cancel" or "undo".  I used it before I had Windows on my computer. (DOS operating system).  I had no idea the program was still around.  Found this on eBay, and they sell for around $40.  Wonder what the program is like now?


Tracy called yesterday.  They don't have much more snow that we have in Silverthorne  (CO).  They have season tickets to the Broncos and were debating going to Denver to watch the game today.  They weren't too enthused, because its pretty certain the Broncos will get beat.  But I hope those guys surprise everyone.


  1. Time Waster??? Time 'consuming' maybe, but not wasted. That is an incredible elk & your 'stippling' is an amazing technique.
    As I type this Rollie has the football game on & Broncos are AHEAD 20 to 6! Hope Tracy & Paul went.

  2. I have a word program I'm still using. Doesn't use keystrokes.
    Yeah Broncos!

  3. Sure hope Tracy and Paul went to the game.

  4. I hope they went, I didnt go up to Megans ski race and she won the J2 FIS salom championshp....maybe my stayng away was the reason....but I did watch the game.....just saying...
