Friday, January 6, 2012


My friend Nancy in California sent me some more photos. I'm going to borrow a couple to post today. These were New Year Wishes.

May the worst thing that happens to you come in slobbery pink and furry TAN.
May your cup runneth over with love

Great pictures.  Thanks, Nancy.


I made beef stew with dumplings last night from the leftover roast I fixed a couple days ago.  I know how to make stew.  You just clean out the refrigerator, right?  Carrots, potatoes and onions of course.  And then add two zucchini that were starting to look shriveled, and two tired looking tomatoes.  And some celery and a few leftover green beans.   And add some spices and a couple bay leaves.  It's recipes that give me a problem.

I went to Rendezvous Pointe this morning for the oil painting class, and after I sat there a while, I decided I had goofed.  Sure enough, it starts next Friday, not today. 


Watched a terrible movie last night.  It starred Tom Cruise and Nichole Kidman, so should have been good.  NOT!  Maybe they did a good acting job, but the movie was rotten.  It was called "With Eyes Wide Shut".  

Tonight I plan on watching Sam Elliot in Conager, a good western.  I've seen it before, so I already know he will win the widow's heart in the end.   

1 comment:

  1. Now remember a couple bay leaves in and a couple bay leaves out.

    I had the same opinion as you did of "With Eyes Wide Shut" .A lot of the nudity was unnecessary.

    I loved "Conager" also
