Thursday, January 5, 2012


 Yesterday I posted pictures of the sled dog puppies.  I found this photo of Chloe as a small kitten the other day.  Chloe has been visiting almost every day.  One day, she came upstairs after eating, and actually laid down and went to sleep for a while.  I wouldn't mind having her in the house more, but her hair really triggers my cat allergy.  Still don't know what is so special about Kat's hair, but it doesn't bother me much.


The continuance of the oil painting class I am taking from Kay Meeks starts for another six weekss tomorrow.  I have taken a long time figuring out what to paint, and I finally decided on a deer in the snow, from a photograph I took years ago when I was still using a film camera. 

I spent yesterday morning in art group practicing painting sagebrush on a new sheet of paper.  Not a lot of success yet.

I like this.  The game of Monopoly really is old.  It was patented in 1933 by Charles Darrow, who later sold his interest to Parker Bros.  The rest is history.


  1. Every time I see that photo, I can't help but smile. She is so cute
