Sunday, March 4, 2012


Here is what Barrie got for her birthday - a Thomas Train, which of course she shares with Kasey.  She got it from someone in Boulder who had it listed on "Sublette Sells", a Facebook community. 

If you think you hear some inappropriate language here, I think you're right.  Barrie asked her "What did you say?"  Kasey said "Oh shucks!"


I installed a calendar program on my computer last week.  I have lost my installation disk for Microsoft Works, which had a calendar program I used.  So I searched a for free calendar and found exactly what I need.  It's called "Efficient Calendar".  You enter events, mark whether or not you want a reminder, and you can repeat events at different intervals, daily, weekly, every other week, every year, etc.  If you ask for a reminder, a little white note pops up showing the event.  And it already has the US holidays on it. 

I also found that my computer has a "sticky notes" program that's great.  No more sticky notes stuck on the computer screen.


Noisy outside today.  Icicles are falling off the roof onto the metal roof below.



  1. I watched the video first. All I heard from Kasey was precious laughter.....but i went back & listened again after I read your post & I still didn't hear it.
    Never heard of Sublette Sells. Sounds like a good idea. Thanks.

  2. I heard it, and to me, it sounded like the word Barrie thought she said. Noticed how she laughed after she said it.

    We are suppose to get into the mid thirties today. We had more snow in the last week than we had all winter long
