Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Yesterday was a movie marathon day for me. I'm not sure why, but I watched three movies. Didn't paint anything, didn't read anything, just sat like a lump and watched movies.  I watched "The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo", "And Then She Found Me" and "The Girl Who Played with Fire."

Made a little progress on the oil painting using red, green, and white paints.  I have the basic colors and shapes blocked in, except for the fish.  He's a shape without color right now.


I read an interesting comment in Larry McMurtry's book "Duane's Depressed".  Jody, the storekeeper at Corners said "Actions of the mind are unsettled by too much exposure to flat countryside."  It's called "Flat Disease."Any  of you feel that way when you're in flat country?  I got lost once in Nebraska driving on a dirt road through some wheat fields, taking my cousin to school.  Couldn't find my way back.  The roads are straight, no hills or mountains in sight, and no fences.  I stopped and climbed on top of my car so I could locate the buildings.   

 I always appreciate it when Barrie picks up my mail for me.  But today she brought me a summons for jury duty.  I can pretend to be deaf for something.


  1. Is it an actual summons, or just a notice. I have been told twice that I was on jury duty and never had to serve because it got settled out of court.

    Or you could tell them that Barries dogs ate it.

  2. Your fish painting is coming along nicely. A bit on the style of Conley. Cute 'Need Glasses' cartoon! No, you can not ignore a Jury Summons. good luck.

  3. Am not ignoring the jury summons. When I read all the instructions, I find that I don't have to serve if I'm over 72. Yea!

  4. Where did you find "The Girl Who Played With Fire"? The American version hasn't been made yet.

  5. I got the jury duty notice too. Sadly I qualify. :) Maybe everyone will settle for the next six months! I would rather have winter duty than summer duty!
