Friday, April 13, 2012


Beautiful sunny day today, and almost 40 degrees.  But the forecast is for rain and snow.  In fact, the Yahoo forecast predicts severe weather. Yeah, right!

While visiting his daughter, Conley saw this photo of an old manure spreader, and asked her to print a copy for me.  I love to paint old rusty things in watercolor, but this might be beyond me.  It will be fun to try, though.


Barrie took her HP laptop to Mike K. last week.  He called her yesterday and told her she can pick up the computer case, but there was nothing he could do with the computer.  It was "fried".  Now we need to get the desktop Dell to him.  It's still crippling along, but definitely sick.


Another dead mouse on the floor this morning.  Good job, Kat!


  1. That's an interesting photo. I cannot discern the wooden part of the manure spreader from the fence behind it. It blends in perfectly.

  2. Looks like there's a cat looking over the fence.

  3. By golly there is a black and white cat peeking through the fence.

  4. nope, its a horse! I feel cross-eyed now but I think have figured out which boards go where. what an optical illusion!

  5. Guess it would've been an awfully big cat. LOL

  6. What sharp eyes you have! Look closely and you can see the four legs of the horse under the top board of the fence.
