Sunday, April 15, 2012


I got two new books in the mail from North Light yesterday.  Another reason (excuse) for me to not get any art work finished.  I can read about it instead of doing it.  One book is about drawing light and shadow.  The other is about painting watercolor faces. 

The woman who paints the watercolor portraits has some very interesting techniques and I like her work. 

Paul and Tracy are coming in August and she has reserved a camping spot at the Narrows campground at New Fork Lake.  We have no idea what it is like, and will have to wait until we can drive into New Fork to see what it's like, what kind of boat dock they have, etc.  They may decide to leave their boat home this year.

Fremont campground is not taking reservations this year, because of the construction.  The campground won't be closed, but the spots will be on a first come first serve basis.  It sounds like the boat dock may be closed at times, also. 

I don't have a dog to hug, but I'm sure I could hug one of Barrie's.  I have a cat, but she won't let me hug her.

She caught another mouse last night. She left it right in the center of the bathroom door.  She wants to be sure I notice them.   


  1. They will love the narrows, and there is a good boat dock right on the road to, I would reserve down on the west end close to the wonderful sandy beach where its warm enough to swim....just saying, susan

  2. I agree with Susan...maybe except the warm and swimming part. It's a lovely place to camp....and the right time of summer, the fishing is awesome.
