Thursday, April 5, 2012


Now playing on XM Radio, Zac Brown Band, "Ain't in No Hurry". That's definitely my theme song.

After a full year of pinching back, fertilizer, water, and plenty of sunshine, I finally have a coleus plant I am not ashamed of!  The top photo shows what it looked like shortly after I brought it home.  It was gorgeous when I bought it, and it wasn't happy here.  The bottom photo was taken today.  No, I didn't talk to it.

Almost finished this watercolor yesterday. I will probably darken the shadow and try to fix the bulge in the front tire.  It looks a little washed out in the photograph.


Another object in my house has grown legs and walked off.  I just used my compact camera right here yesterday.  After I took the pictures I wanted off it, I put the card back in and put it on the shelf behind me.  When I wanted to use it this morning, it's not there. 


  1. maybe a little elf borrowed your camera while you were sleeping...teehee

  2. Little elf my eye! I know who you are. Well, you did wash my truck
