Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Art group this morning:

Dorothy is back and joined us this morning.  Pat was late, but her daughter, Dixie brought her in.  Conley finished another painting of a duck and displayed it on the wall.

And Rollie stopped by to visit and pick up the waffle iron I was looking for a home for.


This has got to be my favorite town in Montana.  It is a tiny town right on the Missouri River.  This is a one lane bridge across the river.  When Barrie and I were there, a pickup came across the bridge with kids riding in the back.  Sure don't see that any more.

I never got a chance to photograph the old buildings in Toston, because as soon as we crossed the bridge and railroad tracks and turned right, a pack of dogs attacked us.  A woman seemed to be walking her dog, but five more dogs had joined her.  We had dogs in kennels in the back, and the dogs all surrounded the truck, barking, and jumping up on it.  One was a Chihauhua.  When we got away from them, we drove just a short distance when four more dogs came after us.  And one of those was a Chihauhua.  We were happy to get out of there and back on the highway to Helena.

When we went back the next year, we only saw two dogs, and Barrie drove all around the town so I could take pictures of all the old buildings.


  1. SO, where are the photos of the town?

  2. When I picked up the waffle iron I really liked you dashboard critter.

  3. I love your bridge photo too, & I love that guy in the 2nd photo too. :)
    Conley is the only one I know in the first photo. How long have I been gone?? Thanks for the waffle iron!
