Monday, May 14, 2012


I hate it when people call early in the morning before I'm up.  And then want something like information on some rental property!  Wrong number!  None of my friends call that early.

Tracy called from the road on their way to Denver yesterday.  She wanted to tell me I 70 was almost as bad as it had been when we went to a Rockies game last April.  We ended up with several hundred other people, sitting on a closed highway.  Made to to Denver, but the game was cancelled.

Paul and Tracy are leaving soon for a week at their condo in Florida.


Meanwhile, back in Wyoming, Barrie and Kasey camped a the dog lot. 

Kasey, wearing her headlamp, doing something at one of the dog boxes.

Ready  for sleep, in her sleeping bag inside the tent.  She looks cozy!


I bought some instant coffee at the grocery store yesterday.  I've seen some of the things watercolorists have done with it, and want to try it.

1 comment:

  1. When I was the manager of Gateway Terrace, I got a call at 3:00 AM, asking questions about the court. I told him that I wouldn't give hymn any info because he would never live there. I told him that he was to inconsiderate to be allowed in the court. By the way he was extremely intoxicated.
