Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Kasey had  sore throat and ear ache yesterday, so she didn't go to school.  Barrie took her with her to work in the morning, but she stayed here for a nap after lunch.  She woke up about  2:30 and came upstairs. The first thing asked was if she could paint.

I gave her a choice of using my big palette or the Cotman set.  She chose the little set.

Then she used the hair dryer to dry her painting.

It's dry!

Then she got caught up on her calendar, counting down days until her birthday.  The picture on the calendar is of her in a dance costume.

I am suddenly noticing she no longer has little round dimpled arms.  Her arms and legs are both getting long and lanky!


  1. Hmmm! Must be little Kasey is growing up.

  2. She is so cute! and she is a polite little girl too. You ladies are doing a wonderful job raising her. :)
