Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We survived our Wednesday morning art group without Vicky, who always feeds us.  We begged Beth to make some popcorn, and it hit the spot.  Also, Rollie kindly donated some of his cheese from home.

I didn't even take my watercolors with me this morning.  Took some pencils and a pad of Bristol board, and worked on a pencil drawing.


I got a package delivered yesterday by UPS.  It was my Mother's Day present from Paul and Tracy.  I got some Jonquil bulbs, in cute little buckets.  You are supposed to remove the little planters from the buckets and put them in something like a pie place.  The bulbs are already growing. I can visualize the buckets in my art room with pencils or brushes in them!

I left my bedroom window open last night and listened to the frogs in the hayfield across the highway from me.  What a neat sound, and a welcome one.  There will probably be some sandhill cranes in to feast on the frogs soon. I hope they never develop that meadow, but I'm sure something will be built there eventually.


The Little People have visited my house again, up to mischief as always.  On a whim, I turned on the printers downstairs, and this afternoon I sent a couple photos from my laptop computer upstairs.  And they printed perfectly.  Thank you for fixing my printer problems, Little People.  Now, leave it alone and go bother someone else.

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