Friday, July 27, 2012


The neighborgood is being spruced up!  I'm not sure anyone even lives in the little house to the south of me, but yesterday somone came in with a weedeater and lawn mower, and went to work.  I don't think the grass has been cut there for at least fifteen years.

Later in the day, a pickup with trailer pulled up at the house to the north of me, and unloaded a riding mower.  One guy had a weedeaterand the other rode the mower in that little yard.  The guy who moved in there had already done quite a bit of work on the yard.

And the new Crossfire Feed Store sign is up.  Looks good.  Now if only Wolf Dodge would clean up the junk behind their place!


Kasey and Barrie were taking pictures of each other yesterday.  Kasey loves to use the camera, and as you can plainly see, her pictures will be better than her Mom's.  I can tell, because Barrie doesn't stick her tongue out.

1 comment:

  1. Quite often I download my day's pictures & find a bunch that Cadence has taken....unknown to me.
