Thursday, July 26, 2012


I just read that many of the victims of the Colorado shooting might have little or no medical expenses.  Warner Bros. and members of the public have donated over $2 milllion dollars, and money is being raised in other ways.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.  Yes, it was a tragedy and a horrible thing to have happen to innocent people.  But there are innocent people all over the country who have been injured through no fault of their own and have  tremdous medical expenses. What makes this event so newsworthy is the number of people involved.  And of coursre, the subsequent attention of the media.


Got myself in trouble this morning.  I started a load of laundry and decided to do some more work on that closet I've been stuffing things in for forty years or so.  And I found two boxes full of old pictures and memorabilia.  So I know what I will be doing the rest of the day!

These two pictures were on the very top of one box.  I took these at a snow machine race at the lake.  Someone's baby is sitting on a machine named "Playmate", and Grandma (Ruth) Hardy is sitting on one named "Exciter".  I think they are humorous pictures.


  1. I remember Grandma Hardy well. She came to watch all of our softball games that Fred and Bob were playing in.

  2. Yes, it is because of the numbers of victims that people rally around. Also, the location. Big city.
    If it happened out in the sticks, it wouldn't be news.
    I still can't understand why Bernie Holtz saving 3 men from that burning truck never made any news past Casper.

  3. Sorry I haven't been around. Are interent was down for a day.

    Yes, but Bernie Holtz knew what he did and nobody can ever take that away from him.
    It woundn't have been any greater feat if the whole world knew about it.
