Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I finished this little (5" x 7" drawing of a chickadee in art group this morning,  It's done with graphite and white charcoal on colored paper.  The camera really picked up the texture of the paper because the light was coming from the side.  It also caused the mat to cast a shadow on the drawing.


The accused gunman in Colorado is displaying bizarre behavior, and some say he is faking it.

Did he have that orange hair when they arrested him?  If not, how did he manage to dye his hair orange in jail?  Isn't he watched closely?


  1. What an excellent job.
    Didn't know there was such a thing as white charcoal.

    I loved your buffalo matting from yesterday also.

  2. Love your little Chickadee Duene! Real pleasant medium combination.
