Monday, July 23, 2012


The birds are driving me nuts.  I have magpies and ravens both, and their "songs" are not very pleasant, just loud.  And then there's the robins.  Most of what I'm hearing out of them is their "distressed" screech, -- yes, it's a screech.  Their young are falling out of the nests and are on the ground, and the parents immediately think they see a cat, and start yelling about it.  A bunch of them were throwing a fit in the trees behind the house at dark yesterday.  Don't hear them today.  Either something got the baby, or they got him to some place safe.


I'm beginning to think the Olympics have outlived their usefullness.  So many protests and demonstrations, and then later they will start taking medals away for drug use.  Maybe I'll enjoy it once they get started, but for now, it seems like something to ignore.


I'm listening to the song "Must Have Had a Good Time Last Night.  Dog on the roof, car in the pool, somebody passed out in the yard, lawn chair in the fire pit, etc.  Cute song.


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