Sunday, July 22, 2012


My horoscope tells me I should be spending money only on necessities.  Oops!  Oh, I won't buy any more art "stuff" today, maybe even next week.


How do you know who the "crazies" are?  The guy in Colorado was a clean cut, studious and intelligent young man.  The long haired "loser" who might live next door to him is probably harmless.


Looks like the Crossfire Ranch Store might be getting a new sign today.  Which would I rather look at?  The back of a sign, or the clutter behind the nursery across the highway and the back of the Game and Fish Office?

I love photos of men working!  Have you ever noticed if there is a group of men working, one of them is always leaning on a shovel.  (Photo by Dawn Ballou)


  1. It's amazing how much is telescoped into the 2nd picture. I thought maybe you photo-enhanced it to make B&B (Feed store), the nursery & the G&F look like they were built on top of each other.

  2. That's the effect of a telephoto lens.
