Saturday, July 21, 2012


The County Fair has started in Big Piney.  I haven't been for years.  There was a time when I hauled cookies, pictures, rabbits, and horses over there.  And sat in the bleachers for hours for the 4H Horse Show.  I enjoyed it, but I was much younger and ambitious then.


Barrie brought me packages from the post office yesterday with "STUFF".  I love getting new stuff.  The little battery operated eraser is wonderful.  I paid about $10 for one a couple years ago, and finally just threw it in the trash.  I can't believe the difference with the new one.  It is so easy hold and turn on, and does a super job erasing.  I can actually control it!

Received a new mechanical pencil with a super fine lead, and some new masking tape.  The proportional divider came, and I haven't messed with it very much yet.

Like a lot of things, the hardest part of it is getting it out of the packaging material.  And I had to take the eraser to Barrie to get the battery cover back on for me.


What a cute photo!

A perfect description of Pinedale!

I was once rear ended (streets were solid ice) at an intersection.  I went to the drug store to call it in.  Win was our Chief of Police then, and I told him the address  -- intersection of Tyler and Pine, I think it was.  Win asked me more about where it was, and when I said "we're right in front of Madge's cabin, then he knew where to find me. 

If I told someone I lived on Canal Street, they didn't have a clue where that was.  But if I told them I lived directly behind King Cone, they knew.


  1. My grandmother once got a letter with this address on it.

    Grandma Mattern
    Main Street
    Rugby, ND

    Now days the P.O. would send it back instead of trying to deliver it.

  2. gina got a letter addressed gina cora wyo and I always ask who used to live in your
