Friday, August 31, 2012


Another beautiful day, and no sign of rain.  We got a few sprinkles yesterday. The weather forecast (the one I see, anyway) says 30% chance of rain today and 40% tomorrow.  I remember a saying from way back - - - "only a fool predicts the weather in Wyoming."

Here is Paul and Tracy's camper, all nicely shaded by the trees.  Barrie took elk burgers up last night, and she got a freshly baked loaf of bread and some corn on the cob at the Farmers' Market.

Barrie and Daisy bonding at the picnic table.

Tracy had broken a fingernail into the quick, and it was sore. She bumped it on something last night, and said "Ouch!  Son of a . . . . ."  She didn't finish the sentence, but Kasey finished it for her, loud and clear.  It was one of those moments when you know you shouldn't laugh, but we couldn't help it.  It was followed by a lecture to Kasey from Barrie about "Remember, you can't talk in school like that."
Paul hasn't caught any fish at all.  The water is too warm, and the fish are all in the deep areas.  Paul talks to Randall quite often, and he says the water is the warmest it's been in recorded history. 

I am getting in trouble with the Forest Service.  The campsite is in my name, and first of all, I almost lost it because it was not occupied the first night.  Then yesterday, a warning ticket because a cooler had been left out.  Paul and Tracy had gone for a walk.  The cooler had no food in it - just ice and beer, but they can fine you for leaving it out.


  1. That's ridiculous!!! The USFS has no common sense any more. Makes me crazy!!

  2. It's been a long time since the FS has had any common sense. Ahhh - our government in action!
