Saturday, September 1, 2012


I didn't go to to the lake yesterday.  It was so nice in the morning, then it started to rain. 

Paul and Tracy planned on getting the boat out Sunday, and they have changed their mind and are taking it out of the lake today.  Barrie and Kasey just left with my pickup.  They want to use my truck to pull it out, because the water almost flooded their camper when they put it in - came up to within an inch of the camper door before the boat would float off the trailer.

Has anyone told the wolves yet that they better hightail it back to Yellowstone as soon as they can?  I actually feel badly for the wolves.  They are just doing what is natural for them.  Man should never have interfered and brought them back to a  time and place where they couldn't fit in any more.

The chokecherry bush is finally starting to look a little bare, but there are still lots of berries left, and lots of birds.


1 comment:

  1. Aren't Tracy & Paul staying another week?
    I found a C&H cartoon book for you. It's in the art room at Rendez Pt for you to pick up.
