Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I haven't done much this morning - too distracted by a humming bird.  He wants in the house!  He flies right up to the window, bumps against the glass, and even chatters at me.  I don't know what he sees in here that is attracting him.  He must be seeing a reflection of something, but I don't know what.  Is this a juvenile?

Let me in!

Interrupted the cat's morning nap time.


When I was more actively taking pictures, I spent a lot of time setting up the camera with the big telephoto lens, and got some good photos of birds,  Here are a couple.

A hummer in the pine tree, with the light hitting him just right.  I took this one out my bedroom window.

The chokecherry bush is a popular spot for robins in the fall.

1 comment:

  1. That is a very nice photo of a Ruby throated hummingbird. Very clear photo.
    Good job.
    If the hummingbird did get inside, with Kat there, one or the other would be very surprised
