Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Good turnout for art group this morning.  We had a new person, Hugh, a retired veterinarian from Tucson, who has a summer home at Boulder Lake.  He does watercolors.

Vicki brought banana bread (hot out of the oven), Lenore brought peaches,  and several of us stayed and ate lunch today.  I won't need to eat anything until next week.

And all I accomplished today was doing a practice piece.  I was using a new (and unfamiliar) palette, and a flawed piece of watercolor paper. 


Barrie is a dog magnet.  She picked up another dog off the street, and called Julie.  The dog spent time in our basement in a kennel, and the owner came and picked her up. 

I wouldn't be surprised to see eight or ten dogs waiting at our front gate for Barrie every morning!


Here are a couple more bird pictures from back when I worked at my photograpy, taken from my upstairs windows.

Mountain Bluebird



The End


  1. Your bird pictures are simply outstanding.

  2. I'll second that.

    But who gets to change the TP roll
