Thursday, August 9, 2012


Watched one of my favorite all-time movies last night, "Annie".  I think there is more than one version of this film out, but the one I have (and the one I like best) is the one with Carol Burnett in it.  I knew it was a musical, but  had kind of forgotten that it was SOOOOO musical.  There were so many cute and talented little girls in it.  Makes you wonder how many of them went on to a film career.

The annual choke cherry harvest drunken party at the Raper house has begun.  I've seen lots of robins in the bushes, and Barrie said there were a couple of "drunk" doves in the driveway yesterday.  Last year we had three sled dog puppies in the yard who enjoyed the berries that fell on the ground, and they were staggering around and acting goofy.  Do birds have hangovers?


This is especially for my daughter, Tracy.

And this is just a "feel good" photo.