Saturday, August 11, 2012


"Fremont County weed and pest supervisor Lars Baker said mosquito numbers are down considerably from last year in Fremont County."  How the heck do you count mosquitoes?
And I just read on the news that a female bear and her three cubs broke into a cabin in Norway, drank 100 bottles of beer, and ate all the food that was there.  Party, party!
I got out some of my watercolor pencils yesterday and started on a small painting of a bird.  I've never used these enough to know what I'm doing, so I'm not expecting much.

Barrie and "Nester" were inseperable when she was little.  Now Nester lies on the back of the couch, and Kasey pays no attention to him.

This is part of the artwork decorating the ouside of Sid's store in Shoshoni. 

Here is more of what's left of the east side Main Street in Shoshoni.  As far as I know, there are no businesses on this side of the street.  At one time, there was a pool hall, a movie theatre, a cafe, a hotel (and the drug store) and a bar/supper club. 


  1. They have traps like fly trap scattered around an area. Then after a day or so they empty them and count how many are in them and divide by the number of traps.
    Up here they are a;so cjeck to see what kind of mosquites are in them.

    So what was the guy doing whit 100 bottles of beer? He must have had a big party planned for himself. Look the bears did him a favor and saved him a heck of a hang-over.

    I wonder if the bears had a hang-over and their mother chewed them out.

  2. It always makes me sad to go through Shoshoni and see the boarded up 'main street'. Nothing left but the gas station/convenience stores.
