Monday, August 13, 2012


My horoscope says my charm is bubbling out of me like champagne today.  So sorry you all missed that!

It's a sure sign fall is on its way when the cat starts seeking out sunny spots on the floor to take a nap.

This cartoon is more entertaining to me than the Olympics has been this year.  It's true I didn't find a schedule so I could watch what interests me, but it seemed that if I did turn the TV on, there was nothing but ping pong, beach volleyball, or something equally borning on.  Really, ping pong?  The old Romans would turn over in their graves if they could see what we consider sport.

Sunset last night.

A long time ago, I got to go along with a G&F flight over the mountains to check on the ice on some lakes.  Ken Koniceck flew us.  I loved it!  I'm pretty sure this is the top of Square Top.