Tuesday, August 14, 2012


My horoscope was worse today than it was yesterday.  It says I should get a job, and maybe even go to night school. 

I haven't attempted to upload a video in Blogger for a very long time.  It usually doesn't work.  Today I thought I would try again.  This is nothing special, except it makes me laugh.

I'm trying to do a small piece with water color pencils, and I think it was a mistake.  Ooooh, those darned things are hard for me to work with.


Tracy and Paul went to Lander last week for a memorial service for Leslie.  Then, they stopped and visited with Brother Bill and Alice.  They meant to just stay a short while, but ended up staying over three hours.  Glad I decided  not to go spend time with the LeClairs. I decided some time ago to not go to the memorial.

Here is a photo of Leslie and Bobby at the Fremont Peak Overlook, taken several years ago when they visited me.

1 comment:

  1. "Play Dead"
    I giggled and giggled too!

    Thanks for sharing that one.
