Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I think it's time to start closing some windows in the house at night!  39 degrees this morning! 

There was a nice turnout at art group today.  We missed Judi, but Mirian C showed up.  Hugh brought some of his completed paintings and Vicky and I badgered him until he let us mat one and hang it on the wall. 

We are low on small sized mats, so I will probably order a few today.


Alright, Blogger.  I give up.  Yesterday I was able t o upload a video from the Internet.  Today I am trying up upload one of my own, and it just sits there. Finally, after an hour, I got one to upload, using Firefox.


  1. I thought we had gobs of little mats, but there were all white and nobody uses white. Everyone wants the darker colors. But, maybe I'm thinking of last summer & they're gone now.

  2. We did buy more, but we've used most of them!
