Saturday, October 27, 2012


I dug through my art bag this morning and found my drivers license.  That bag is not a good place to lose small items.

I finished this colored pencil drawing of a buffalo this morning.  Wrong choice of paper color.  The paper is too dark. I need to darken the horn,  The paper has taken about as many layers of colored pencil as it's going to.

The cat is on a tear this morning.  She is running - just back and forth as fast as she can go.  She gave a jump up her cat tree to climb it, and fell off.
Is this bamboo?  Come on now, use your imagination.  I may have to give in and buy some different paper.  I've had this pad of paper about 25 years, I think.  It's supposed to be for Sumi painting, but I don't like it.


  1. I can almost see a koala in there! It's a very nice bamboo painting. The bison is dark, but what a handsome creature!

  2. I truly love the Buff. :)
    nancy smith
