Thursday, October 25, 2012


It got down to about 12 degrees last night.  I am enjoying the sweaters I dug out of the downstairs closet.  Not sure my electric heater is going to keep me very warm this winter.  Sure wish my gas stove worked.

Cashed some checks yesterday.  I had taken my drivers license out of my billfold, and when I got home, I had money, but no billfold or drivers license.  Kasey brought me up my billfold last night, it was in the back seat of the truck.  Now if Barrie can just find my drivers license!
Someone posted this drawing on Facebook.  How many faces can you find?  The person who posted it said she found three.  I can find nine.
I tried something different with my little scanner.  I scanned the case of the movie I watched last night.  I didn't know if it would scan something that wasn't flat on the table.  Worked great!


  1. I thought I had 10 also, but on rechecking them, I only could get 9.
    If you realy pin point each face and really see each face, I see 9.

  2. I finally saw the tenth face - a smaller one, right above the man's head!
