Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I took my little "wand" scanner to art group this moring.

I made Judi let me scan her little colorful moose even before she had it finished.

Then I scanned two pages from the catalog for the 2010 Buffalo Bill Museam art sale.  The buffalo is a beautiful painting.  And the bucking horse appeals to me.  I wonder if something like this would bee a good subject for one of the coffee background drawings.  I might try it.

The parking lots at Rendezvouse Point were SO icy this morning.  I hung onto the door handles and mirror of my truck to get to the sidewalk.  I heard three different people say they slipped and fell this morning.  Not good for a senior center!!

We're sad that Pam is leaving us again to go back to Pennsylvania.  She was cleaning out her art supplies and brought a lot of things to leave.


  1. Glad you scanned my moose. My photo is blurry. And, I like it better without the background I stuck in. RATS. Too late. The horse is crazy, wild. Love it.

  2. I hope you make a coffee bucking horse...should have said paint one!!!

  3. I hope you make a coffee bucking horse...should have said paint one!!!
