Monday, December 17, 2012


Happy Snowy Mondy!  Finally we have snow, and as always I take pictures of it just like it's the first time I've ever seen snow.
The birdfeeder has been very busy this morning.  Lots of chickadees, and I'm not sure what other bird is.  Maybe a Pine Siskin?  I love the snow on the roof of the feeder.

Clingy snow, sticking to wires, branches, and fence posts.  But the wind has just come up, so things will change.

I watched the remakes of two old movies yesterday, "Rooster Cogburn" and "Ocean's Eleven". The old ones were better.  Jeff Bridges was good as Rooster Cogburn, but not as good as John Wayne.  And the cast of "Ocean's Eleven" didn't even compare to "The Rat Pack".  



  1. Sure do agree with you on old movies vs the remakes.

  2. Yes, me also
    Rooster was a lot better with the DUKE

  3. Looks like an American Goldfinch to me.

  4. I love your remark about photographing new snow. I do the's new at at time, isn't it?
    Anyhow...I'm awfully glad to see it. Hope it keeps coming!!!

  5. But Goldfinches migrate, and they are gone.

  6. Maybe that Goldfinch flew into a window and hasn't been been right every since?

  7. If it's pink, it looks like a house finch. :o)
