Tuesday, December 18, 2012


It was below zero last night.  It's only up to 20 degrees at noon today, but the sun is shining.

Barrie finally got a truck that runs (work truck) and the snow plow mounted on it.  Just in time for her to do some plowing yesterday.

I took a class in etching years back, and this tree is one thing I did.  Pretty complicated process, but I enjoyed it.  It involves a steel plate, wax, and acid.  There was a big etching press at the high school that we used. 

I still have a few prints I made - this tree, some chickadees, a team of horses, and an owl.

1 comment:

  1. I love this tree...I've always had a thing about old dead trees anyhow. Several packtrips..that's all I did was photograph old dead trees. Years later I pitched them all. No pictures of the horses..or the kids..just old trees.
