Monday, March 25, 2013


I got the serial number for my copy of Photoshop CS6 today, and got it registered.  The page was black with purple type, extremely hard to read.  By experimenting, I was able to change the color to a nice soft light gray.  Now I need to look for tutorials online, and maybe even shop Amazon for a book.

I baked a loaf of bread yesterday, used the "dough" setting on the machine, and baked it in the oven. I need to do that with every loaf of bread I make, I think.  It made a beautiful loaf of bread, and I liked the crust. 

Some old pictures:

Years ago, I went on a pack trip with the Wyo Game and Fish to a beautiful place above the Green River Lakes.  They were doing a survey of the lakes in the area.  We camped at Three Forks Park.

 Three Forks Park was down in that canyon in the center of the photo.

 Here is proof positive that my ex-husband was trying to get rid of me.  (Just kidding)  He took me arrowhead hunting, but we never quite made it up all the way to where he thought there would be arrowheads.

We came back down to our camp on Tourist Creek. This was such a beautiful place.  It was surrounded by big rocks and it only took one pole across the small opening to this meadow to hold the horses and mules in.  The men did all the cooking, and I just got to enjoy myself.  There was one small problem - the porcupines were trying to eat the cinches off the saddles.


1 comment:

  1. It's just breathtaking when you post these fabulous old photos. I can almost imagine myself there - or in a similar backpacking spot. Rollie dragged me into Triangle Lake - kinda like that picture of you. Great memories!
