Saturday, March 23, 2013


Kat scored again last night, and added another mouse to the head count.  Way to go, Kat

I should have mentioned yesterday that the dog drawing was of Jarvi.  Jarvi was a very spectial dog, and Barrie had her for 17 years.  She had to have her put down this winter.

I was editing some photos with Photoshop yesterday, and kept thinking about all the things Photoshop can do.  I have been using version CS2 for quite a while, and started wondering about an upgrade.  I almost bought version 4 once, but didn't.  So I checked on EBay and the next thing I knew, I had bought and paid for version CS6!  I am trying to convince myself it really wasn't an impulse purchase, but don't ask me why I thought I needed it.  I don't even use all the capabilities that CS2 comes with!  And I don't take nearly as many pictures as I used to.

Barrie is in trouble over these pictures.  She let Kasey on the sled with just one dog, and Kasey loved it, of course.  But Barrie didn't have her camera and used her phone.  Tiny pictures and not the best quality.  I tried to enlarge them a little on the computer, but they don't look real great.


  1. Kasey ran 2 dogs, I had the 4-wheeler hooked to the sled to keep things in control. In the pic is Tinkerbell, a rescued dog that has developed a special bond with Kasey. And since I sold her dog Demon, she was able to talk me into running Karma as her lead dog:)

  2. Lucky Kasey - getting to play outdoors! I didn't think there was any snow in Pinedale.
