Sunday, May 26, 2013


Barrie took everything I had ready to the new apartment yesterday.  It was a big load.  I not only had a pile upstairs, but I had quite a bit more downstairs.  I don't think there's an end to it.  She said my couch has been delivered.

I have listed a few things on Facebook "Sublette for Sale", with good results.  People have made a commitment to buy the antique mantle clock and the chainsaw bear.  A young couple came to take the antique rocking chair, and while they were here, they decided they wanted the old churn, a copper bucket, and a small table.  He admired a photo I had taken of the corrals and loading chute up by Cora, so I gave it to him.   I owed him that -- Barrie's Blue Heeler nailed him as he was walking up to the door.

My sister-in-law and I have been on the phone together a lot lately.  They are moving also.  She called and asked me if I wanted an oil painting I did for them of a sheep wagon.  I gave her an emphatic "No", and she will sell it at their auction.

I have talked her into taking Grandma's old treadle sewing machine, her bronze papoose, and the old hand pump that was on my parent's farm.  But I have refused to take anything she thought I might want. 


  1. What a fabulous help Barrie has been for you. Can you imagine facing that move without her????

  2. If it weren't for Barrie, I wouldn't be moving anything. I'd just have a big, really big, bonfire!
