Friday, May 24, 2013


I was working on the computer slogging through my list of places I needed to send an address change, and not enjoying it very much.  Then I was interrupted by the arrival of the guy who trims my bushes for me, so of course I had to give him my attention.

All in all, he does a pretty good job on the bushes, although he seems a little distractible. His antlers have really grown since the last time he was here.  He's not very well groomed right now, kind of shaggy.  Oh well, that will change.
My sister-in-law called this morning, and said her daughter, Sheri, will take my grandmother's old treadle Singer sewing machine.  I'm so glad it will still be in the family.  Just seems right.
Bob-tailed cat Chloe came around to be fed this morning.  I hope she will be okay after I leave.  I know she has another home somewhere, because she might be gone for a couple of months at a time, and is still fat and well fed.
Barrie hopes to have the house empty, clean, and  ready to put on the market by August.


  1. A commendable goal, Barrie - gives you enough time to get it all done.

  2. So wonderful to see the moose. Yesterday on my walk, I encountered a momma moose and newborn calf. Of course I gave her a wide berth and was ready to go in the opposite direction, but she moved on. The baby was still wobbly! Not too cute. The mother was rail thin.
