Thursday, May 23, 2013


Adding a little more to the pile of things to be moved every day.  Someone once wrote, I think it was Steinbeck, "Why does construction look so much like destruction?"

And the downstairs doesn't look any better.  I can't believe I bought all those books!!

Tracy's cousin, Curt LeClair died in Fremont County last week.  His pickup was found at Diversion Dam.  They had search parties out for five or six days, and he was found in the Wyoming Canal.  An autopsy is being performed.  I don't really know Curt any more, haven't been around him for years, but spent plenty of time with  him in the past.  After all, he was my nephew.
Another photo of Kat.  A pose that is just begging to be drawn on a piece of paper!

This photo is for my daughter, Tracy.  She is the one in charge of backing the boat trailer down the ramp into the water.  I know she's never done this!


  1. Atta Girl! That is one good looking pile of 'stuff' for Barrie to move and you even cleaned out that little cubby hole on the back wall!
    Keep up the good work.

  2. The cubby hole is not cleaned out. That's where all the jigsaw puzzles are, and one more plastic shelving unit. It's deep!

  3. I hope Kat well make the adjustment.
    And what is Chloe going to do, or is Kasey going to take her with up to Montana?
    Ah such is life when you move and have pets.
    Is Barrie going to live at your place fopr awhile?
