Friday, August 16, 2013




Green tomatoes in a red skillet!  Much improvement over the fried red tomatoes.  Thanks to the persons who gave me the green tomatoes.  I know some of them came from Betty C's greenhouse, but still don't know who left the rest.  I had some for supper last night, and warmed up the leftovers to eat with my eggs and toast this morning.
Fall is here!  There were about a dozen blackbirds gathered outside my window this morning, a sure sign of fall.  I always told my kids the blackbirds flocked together to argue about who got to be the leader when they headed south.
The phenomenon of men working construction!  I have observed this for years and had almost forgotten how it works.  Whenever there is more than one man working on something, one of them is working and the others are watching.   You never, never, see all of them working at the same time.  I once watched some men work all day at a school across the street at my Mom's house in Riverton.  One man was digging a hole, and five men were gathered in a circle around him, just watching.
These guys are doing something on Faler Ave. in preparation for the new senior apartments.  I also notice none of them wear hard hats.   


  1. Those tomatoes look delicious. Glad you got the right ones.

  2. Fried Green Tomatoes win!!!

    Great observation on the construction crew!!! ☺
