Wednesday, August 14, 2013


When I got back from Art Group today, I found these green tomatoes in a bag hanging on my doorknob.  I only know of one person who might have read my blog about attempting to make fried green tomatoes with red tomatoes - and who has a greenhouse.  So thanks, BC!!

I might as well quit on this pencil drawing.  It's supposed to be a wild horse, but he looks too fat.  I photographed this horse on the White Mountain Road out of Rock Springs, and he was fat.  He was also covered with scars from fighting.  If I drew the scars, it would just make him look like an Appaloosa.  I could trim his tummy down and make his ribs and backbone more pronounced.  Or I could just quit and work on something else. 
I watched a great movie the other day, "The Magic of Belle Isle".  Morgan Freeman plays the part of an writer who has a writers' block.  He's in a wheelchair and drinks too much, and his nephew moves him into this house next door to a single mother with three daughters.  Watch it if you have the chance.
Gina was just here and brought me some green tomatoes from Betty's greenhouse.  So now I have no idea who left the tomatoes earlier.  So thanks to everyone, and you know what I will be fixing for supper!