Friday, September 6, 2013

Friday, after a long week

All the company has gone home, and it is so quiet. I am sitting here in my pink fuzzy slippers, having a cup of coffee, watching it rain., and thinking about turning the heat on.
Barrie and Kasey took me to Rock Springs yesterday for my first eye appointment with Dr. Jensen.  I will have cataract surgery on my right eye next Wednesday.  Somehow I thought he would do both eyes at the same time, but he doesn't. 

Kasey was traveling in the back seat with Lucky, her stuffed horse.

Kasey:  "Lucky has his head stuck in the water bottle."
Me: "I hope he doesn't run out of air to breath."
Kasey: "He's a stuffed animal, he doesn't breathe.  He's not real."

About five minutes later - - -

Kasey: "Lucky says he's hungry."
Me:  "He can't talk, he's a stuffed animal."

At that point, KC whinnied loudly in my ear and giggled.

We stopped at the café in Farson - had really good cheeseburgers and curly fries.  I love that café, farmers sitting around discussing things like baling some straw and irrigation and rain.  And a nice waitress who meets Kasey at the door with Lucky after we turn around and go back because we realize we left him in the café.

I had a little dead frog on my kitchen floor a couple days ago, and KC said they had four dead frogs on her classroom floor at school.

Forgot to post this picture of the sign on the Cowboy Bar in Jackson.  Jackson changes stores and shops around all the time, but this is one place that doesn't seem to ever change. 

I have a new telephone, and haven't got it set up yet.  A man's voice on the answering machine kicks in after only two rings.  Guess I better finish setting it up today.  My old phone went ballistic on me.  When I answered it, it would continue ringing, and the answering machine would kick in, all at the same time. 
By the way, I'm loving this weather!


1 comment:

  1. Cool weather would be so nice. It is hot in MT. Mid-80s. Our family in Tx said it was still in triple digits there. Not much we can do about it except be thankful for A/Cs. Or heaters, as the case may be.
