Tuesday, September 3, 2013


My brother and sister-in-law, Bill and Alice, will be here today.  I told them they had to sleep on the same sheets Tracy has been sleeping on, and they were fine with that.  Sure glad they aren't fussy!

They didn't get to see KC the last time they were here, so I hope Barrie and Kasey will be here for supper.  First day of school for Kasey today - first grade.

I found a little (dead) frog on the kitchen floor this morning.  Kat had been playing with it.  Seems like every year, those little guys show up.  I don't have any idea how big the adults are.  I hear them, but have never seen a frog more than an inch long.  Kids used to bring them to school in the fall.  One year I had a bunch of them in one spot in my lawn, and another year I found about a dozen in a corner in the basement.  I have no idea what kind they are.

In all the years I've lived in Pinedale, I have never seen it go this late without a killing frost.  What is going on with the weather?


  1. You have sure had a busy past few days! Will you bring Alice to Art Group in the morning?
